Green Tea Focus’s First Month

Green tea focus has officially been in business for a month, which is pretty awesome. Starting a business can be a manic depressive roller coaster, so making it through it this first month with a positive outlook has been a highlight. Its been pretty cool to see 4 months of work being validated by purchases, customer feedback, reddit upvotes.

So now that we can see that there will be a foreseeable future for green tea focus, what’s next? What do we want to do? Thinking about our potential as business always gives me jitters of excitement. So let’s lay it down. We want to support groups of people that are starting up such as ourselves. We’re looking into supporting North American pro gamers which don’t get enough financial support and credit they deserve. Students, especially those pushing the boundaries of what education is and can be. We don’t just want GTF to be another product on a shelf. A business should support culture and the community that surrounds it. Money is a responsibility, and we want to use it to make the world tad bit more awesome. We also want to be the company that brings nootropics to the mainstream, and I think we have the product that can do it. I think GTF is capable of having a similar impact of what coffee had when it was first introduced to the work force and pushed the limits of productivity. At the end day we just want to have an honest business that creates value for its customer.


Joel Loyol
Founder & CEO of Green Tea Focus