What Nootropics Can Help You Function Better?

Smart drugs. That’s the family-friendly term for what are actually called nootropics. These are potent brain enhancers that can help improve what the brain does naturally. Like with all things, use in moderation for best results.

Some of the nootropics available in America can usually only be obtained via a doctor’s prescription. These include brands like Nuvigl and Provigl which are some of the most potent available.

Other over the counter varieties can even be bought direct from Amazon.com. Some of the most popular ones are Alpha Brain and New Mood. These include a potent mix of multi-vitamins, amino acids (many of which the body cannot produce naturally) and a selection of antioxidants.

This mixture of ingredients work together to stimulate the receptors in the brain to respond faster to the brain signals moving around. This can help to make people who take these products feel more alert and to think more clearly.


For people who take nootropics, they report that they get up earlier in the morning, have more energy, a greater focus, increased motivation for activities and numerous other benefits.

The effects are completely different than when drinking coffee or consuming energy drinks like Monster. Coffee is a diuretic which dehydrates you rather than supplying what the body needs. Energy drinks do have a potent caffeine kick to get you started in the morning, but they also load you up on sugar and other nasties.

On The Vitamin Shelf & Spice Rack

Surprisingly, vitamins and even spices can help the brain to become more responsive and the body to function in an improved manner.

DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid which like other omega oils, is found in fish and even seaweed. DHA helps to boost memory by improving communication between brain cells.

Turmeric is a common spice that is added to many Indian curries in certain regions within India (other regions commonly use vinegar instead). This spice can prevent the release of cortisol, which is the stress hormone that gets released into the body at difficult times. Cortisol can have many negative effects on body functioning and affects productivity.

Caffeine and L-Theanine

Theanine or L-Theanine is an amino acid that is one of the ingredients of green tea. This natural nootropic adds more focus and attention to detail through an increased dopamine level.

In fact, medical research in the last few years has tested whether caffeine alone was more effective or L-Theanine or both take together in a 1-2 mix. Results confirmed time and again that Caffeine and L-Theanine taken in combination produced better results for alertness and a reduction in mistakes within just 30 minutes, whereas either item taken alone took longer to show poorer results.

A good, healthy product in pill form with Caffeine and L-Theanine in the correct mix is Green Tea Focus. Very effective and most affordable when compared to other nootropic suppliers or daily coffee runs.

Nootropics are opening up a whole new field with supplements that are helping sporting athletes, top executives, and students taking important exams. They are definitely worth considering. Taking a natural amino acid originating from green tea is certainly a safe way to nootropics out the first time.